Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nicki Minaj & O.P.I.

So I can't say I have been this excited about a new O.P.I. collection in a loooong time. I am a huge fan of O.P.I. polishes, but have gotten a little disappointed with recent collections in that they look the exact same as some of my other O.P.I. shades, just with a different name! As much as I love their creative and witty names, I don't like having two similar shades. That being said, I am completely thrilled about the Nicki Minaj collection available in 2012! The solids are just as fabulous as the glitters!

"Metallic 4 Life"


"Did It On 'Em"

"Super Bass Shatter" - I'm kind of over the shatter, but this is a promising color!

"Save Me" - The reason I will be waiting in line outside Ulta when this collection is released! Glitters always go first!

"Pink Friday"

I'll keep you posted on the official release date! So excited!


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