Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break 2012

And my second excuse for slacking on updates...I just returned from Spring Break!! I was lucky enough to return back to NYC for a few days. It was so surreal being there, it felt like I had never left from when I lived there over the summer. It is truly the city of dreams, and I can't imagine living anywhere else when I graduate. I visited the wonderful people I worked with at my internship, explored my favorite spots, and of course shopped! And ate...hahaha. Here are just a few pictures from my travel!

Old apartment...so weird.


Favorite salad from Hale & Hearty. Heaven.

Ay yo Ceelo! Insane.

TOPSHOP wahhhh I'm home.

Dinner in Little Italy. Tourist time...

I absolutely love this from Soho. So cool.


And then home to VB. Happiness.

Sweet baby Betsey.


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